A few years ago, when I was a teenager (ok maybe more than a few) I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life, which is not really that uncommon. So I tried out various different things, including working for a few organisations that provided help with children in various different guises, such […]
Read MoreAuthor: Catherine Bates
Slow down!
You might think that that is a reference to how fast I talk – if you’ve ever met my kids, you’d know that if I didn’t talk fast, I’d never get to finish a sentence. Or it could have been a reference to my drinking – how fast did you go through that bottle and […]
Read MoreJust because it’s not your fault……doesn’t mean it’s theirs
I often talk about the unpredictability of law and especially litigation. It’s about as certain as knowing whether my son will call me now that he’s moved to attend Birmingham university (to, ironically, study law!). There are so many variables such as whether he was out all night, who is down the pub, whether his […]
Read MoreJust because they are wrong doesn’t make you right!!!
A good claim has many parts. Good paperwork is an advantage although obviously not essential. Good witnesses are hugely beneficial, but their absence won’t automatically derail your claim. If you are claiming something like a breach of contract, obviously you have to show that there has been a breach. However, possibly the most important aspect […]
Read MoreJust because it’s unfair doesn’t make it unreasonable
My kids always used to tell me how things were unfair. It’s not fair that they had to clean their teeth, but they both have great smiles now! It’s not fair that they had to do their homework, but at least one of them has made it to uni. It’s not fair that they had to go […]
Read MoreHome is where the work is!
You don’t need me to tell you that the ability to work from home has moved from almost unheard of to the norm in the last few years. With the increase in efficiency of technology (such as the internet), hastened by the COVID lockdown, the phrase hybrid working has become not just routine, but almost […]
Read MoreHiring and Firing!
The Christmas period, particularly NYE is one of the most popular times for popping the big question. Not, will you drive home tonight so I can drink, but will you marry me. An engagement ring often doubles as a Christmas present, and what better time (other than perhaps Valentines Day) to get down on one knee […]
Read MoreThe Santa Clause!
Definitions are important, and not just in legal terms. It comes up in many every day aspects of our lives, and a failure to be clear can be fatal to our plans. If I ask the taxi company to pick me up, I need to define where I am, and what time I want to be […]
Read MoreThere is no need to repeat yourself, I ignored you just fine the first time.
At the risk of repeating myself, there is often little point in repeating myself. For example, if you instruct me to send a letter before action, telling the other side that if they don’t pay/respond/agree etc by xxxx date, you will do yyyy, if they don’t do what you asked, there is little point in […]
Read MoreSummer loving
It may nearly be the most wonderful time of the year. But every time I switch the TV on, it’s full of ads for beach holidays, encouraging people to book early for next summer. Perhaps the travel agents think that the rain (and snow) will have us all reaching for our passports. But it wasn’t a […]
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