And that’s not just because I’m useless at housework. It’s a reference to clients who want to bolster their claim by throwing everything in, even the weakest points, in the naive assumption that the more points they have, the better. Well, unlike the very old (and very dated!) game show, Play Your Cards Right, in […]
Read MoreAuthor: Catherine Bates
A nod is as good as a wink
Communication comes in many forms. I know, for example, that if my co-director is growling, it means a piece of IT isn’t doing what it’s supposed to do. I don’t need to ask him. If my son slams the front door at 3am, it’s a sure sign of a good night. If he was sober, he’d remember […]
Read MoreOn your marks, get set, SUE!
One of the most important lessons that solicitors learn is not just about whether or not your client has a case, but how soon you have to bring that case to increase your chances of success. Most people know that the statute of limitations is six years, but what they don’t always know is that […]
Read MoreMy word is my bond, but what about my emoji????
The answer may surprise you!!! I often talk about how any type of communication including text messages and WhatsApp can be relevant and binding, but can a thumbs-up emoji be used as evidence of acceptance of a contract? Strangely enough, yes, it can. In a recent case, where it was shown that one side had regularly […]
Read MoreI heard what you saw but did you read what I said????
In my early days in the legal profession, I had the pleasure of working for an entertainment law firm, who in addition to having some interesting cases, and interesting clients, also had a great sense of humour. This included having great competitions in the run-up to Christmas, where prizes were given to the fee earner […]
Read MoreGone but not forgotten
I’m sure you’re all already bored of people using Halloween as an excuse for marketing and promoting events. Especially as I always consider it to be an American holiday, which encourages children to use blackmail to get sweets! Without wishing to be a hypocrite, now is still a good time to talk about how dead […]
Read MoreThe Sanctity of Post and the cost of being nosy!
Did you know, that interfering with the post can be a criminal offence. If you open someone else’s post in error, then it’s unlikely that there will be any consequences, provided you send the post on to the right person asap and don’t take anything that doesn’t belong to you. However, if you deliberately open someone […]
Read MoreToday’s headlines are no longer tomorrow’s chip wrappers!
And not just because we don’t wrap fish and chips in old newspapers – although I’m not sure whether that’s a health and safety thing, or just because there just aren’t that many newspapers printed pro rata to the amount of fish and chips we eat! But for those of you who remember eating fish […]
Read MoreWhatsApp-ening to communication???
It’s a common question for clients to ask whether electronic messages or WhatsApp messages can be used in court proceedings or just be relied on as evidence of agreements and negotiations. Not only is the answer an absolute yes, but they are all disclosable and so it’s not a question of whether or not they […]
Read MoreExcuse me, I’m drunk!
Ok, not the most surprising thing you’ve ever heard me say, and as a tongue-in-cheek reason to my team as to why I’m not taking calls beyond a certain time (don’t bother trying to contact me after 4pm, I’ll be too hammered to answer) it’s perfectly reasonable. Some might say it’s even sensible. But I’ve seen […]
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