Sign Posts
Signs can be very important in our lives. The sign that warns us that a product contains nuts can be a life saver. Unless, of course, you don’t have a nut allergy. Or unless, of course, the product is a bar of nuts in which case, if you have a nut allergy, the warning is of secondary consideration to the question of why did you pick up a bar of nuts in the first place.
So I’m sure we would all agree that not only is signage important, but it should also be appropriate. Putting a sign marked “caution, contents may be hot” on a hot drink is insulting. If I don’t know that my tea may be hot, then I’m probably not bright enough to be left in charge of a hot drink in the first place.
So what about WHERE you put your signs? If your product or service comes with some kind of warning, warranty or instruction, then where you say it is as important as what you say.
This came to mind on my journey home tonight. On the train home (after a few light ales ) there was a sign telling me that if the toilet in my carriage was occupied or unavailable, there was another toilet two carriages down. The problem here was that the sign was INSIDE the toilet. So the only way you could know what the sign said was if you were in the toilet, in which case clearly the toilet would be neither occupied nor incapacitated !!! Which, of course, rendered the notice completely obsolete.
Which is why I exited the toilet grinning inanely and frantically typing this blog. Judging by the looks of those around me, I’m not sure they are convinced there is a PG rated explanation for my behaviour.
All businesses need clear signposting about their products, services, terms and conditions and to make sure their clients can find them at the right time, not when its too late.
Kleyman & Co Solicitors. The full service law firm. Pointing you in the right direction.