Mind the Gap
Those running their own businesses are unlikely to be strangers to the gaps that can exist and the dangers of falling in to them.
Gaps in our knowledge – we cannot possibly know everything. Just because you are excellent at what you do (solicitor, accountant, rocket scientist) doesn’t mean you know everything you need to know about how to run a business (cash flow, how to win clients, how to make tea for yourself!)
Gaps in our bank balances – going from being an employee to being self employed and not having that regular pay cheque at the end of the month can be scary. Even more scary is how much money it can take to set up and run a business – suddenly you can no longer just phone up the tech department and get a new laptop when yours breaks. You have to go out and buy a new one, and good ones aren’t cheap!
Gaps in the calendar – both the need to fill your diary as soon as possible, and the need to have time off occasionally for important things, like eating and sleeping!
So here’s a new gap for you. The ethnicity pay gap. In the not too distant future it will become mandatory to report on any gaps between pay of different ethnic groups. Whilst you don’t have to do it yet, a word to the wise – start sooner rather than later to close those gaps to avoid problems in the future. Priorities should be:
(1) Develop an inclusive company cultures where all employees feel confident to reveal their ethnicity;
(2) Set a good example from the top to spearhead equality and improve how you attract, hire and promote a wide range of employees; and
(3) Encouraging open, inclusive conversations about race at work.
Don’t fall into the gap of ignorance!
Kleyman & Co Solicitors. The full service law firm. A bridge over troubled waters.