Just for Fun!
You wouldn’t think of lawyers as having a sense of humour.
What other profession could dress up in wigs and gowns, talk in an ancient funny sounding language and expect people to take their advice seriously!
And yet, over the years I have seen, heard and witnessed things that are way funnier than anything I’ve ever seen at the Comedy Store which, incidentally, is one of the best places I’ve ever been to for humour.
Today, for example, I helped a client who has entered into a contract with a service provider. My client believes that they entered into the contract under false pretences, and they are asking for copies of the recordings of the conversations between my client’s representative, and the service provider’s call centre, so we can see/hear exactly what was said/agreed. The service provider does not deny that the information exists, and is disclosable, but say that my client cannot ask for it – only their legal adviser can request it. Whilst this is utter rubbish, what makes it particularly funny is that when the legal adviser (me!) did request it, the service provider said that they needed written authority from my client to release the information. You may say that this is deliberate delaying tactics – but that’s the funny part – when we end up in court (as undoubtedly we will) this will all become common knowledge and how silly will the provider look then!
This is closely followed by the RTA case I was involved I some years ago, where I was acting for the party that was going to have to pay, and I asked for copies of the invoices for the repair works done to the other driver’s car. The insurance company declined, on the grounds that providing copies of invoices would breach the other driver’s right to confidentiality. When I pointed out that they could simply cover up anything confidential, such as the driver’s home address, they admitted that that had never occurred to them. It had also never occurred to them that we might want evidence to support the value of the claim they were making.
Then, of course, you have the house that didn’t exist. I don’t mean it disappeared or collapsed, I mean it just wasn’t there. My client was served with proceedings for having built a house on land that didn’t belong to him. After much arguing, I suggested that we have a site meeting to try and work out what had happened. It turned out that the other side were looking at the wrong piece of land. Our house was on our land which just happened to be adjacent to their land and they didn’t appreciate that their client didn’t own the whole site!
I’ve got loads more silly stories of the stupid things that people have done (usually the other side but occasionally my clients!) so if you’re in need of a laugh, drop me a line.
Kleyman & Co Solicitors. The full service law firm. Keeping you smiling.