My small but fast growing property department can often be seen as the poor relative of other more successful teams.  They work on fixed fees, so are not as profitable as the litigation department.  Their work is more routine, so their cases don’t make headlines like the family and employment law departments.  So you could be forgiven for thinking that property law is a bit dull, but you’d be wrong.  Property is full of unsung heroes, doing amazing things every day.

My property team are fluent in estate agent speak.  They understand that “close to amenities” really means “Crossrail will shortly be building through your front room”.

The conveyancers know the dangers lurking in (and around) septic tanks, and they know how to make sure you don’t fall foul of them!

They have negotiating skills that that the UN would be proud of (and could learn from).  I’ve seen them broker deals between waring neighbours, difficult councils and unreasonable mortgage companies and I’m considering lending them to solve the middle east conflict.

They can move fast – if it’s a contract race.  They can move slow – if you need breathing space to sort out your finance or get a lease extension.

What’s more, they know more about boilers, windows, conservatories and extensions than anyone I’ve seen on Location, Location, Location.

So if you or anyone you know is buying, selling or leasing a property and need an expert, all done with a smile and a fixed fee, drop me a line at, and we’ll come to your rescue.

Kleyman & Co Solicitors.  The full service law firm.  More heroes than Marvel.