Be our valentine
No one can have failed to notice that it’s Valentines day this week. No matter how expensive it is for you, be grateful that you don’t live in places like Japan where you’d be expected to buy gifts for friends and colleagues too. Which explains why 70% of their annual chocolate sales are done this week.
Nevertheless it still amazes me that in this country we only buy for our romantic partner (or partners!!) and occasionally our pets. I’m still waiting for the likes of Hallmark and Moonpig to encourage us to share the love with everyone in our lives.
With that in mind, I started to think about how solicitors might share the love with clients and opponents. Here’s what I came up with.
Love thy neighbour. Or come to see us before you have a boundary dispute.
Share the love, by going to mediation instead of rushing off to court.
When I fall in love, it will be forever, but just in case, my solicitor is going to draw up a cohabitation or prenuptial agreement.
If music be the food of love play on, but let us know if you need a music license.
Love is blind – but our eyesight is great, so make sure you get a solicitor to check over your contracts before you sign anything.
The course of true love never did run smooth – so make sure you’ve got a shareholders’ agreement in place before you go into business with someone.
Wherever you are and whoever you love, we hope you have a wonderful Valentines’ day.
Kleyman & Co Solicitors. The full service law firm. Because love conquers all.