A spooky Will can save your family members the litigation horrors
The scariest part of having a Will is actually getting round to creating one. Many people put off the making of a Will because the thought of their death cuts to the bone. Certainly, the Halloween festivities can make the ghostly thought about death a bit more enjoyable and what better time than this to put your death wishes down. How frightening!
In your skeleton Will you can say who is to receive, for example, your haunted house, other wacky assets such as pumpkin lanterns and wicked Halloween costumes, or your mischievous cat when you die. Also, a well drafted death statement ensures that your family members neither hunt for the treats you wished to pass to them after you die nor go through the litigation horrors of fighting for a reasonable treat share of your estate.
The annual Halloween trick-or-treat time is just around the corner. Drop us a line at yoanna@kleymansolicitors.com and trick your Will scares by having a Will drawn up for you, which treats your family members and friends to some deadly sweet bites of your estate.