Settlement Agreements
You may be in a position right now where you aren’t sure what is happening with your employment due to COVID-19. You may be in a position where you don’t know what to do with your employers. You’re definitely not the only employee or employer in this situation at the moment. Many employers are making decisions regarding their employees as we speak. During the current pandemic there is unfortunately going to be an increase in employers and employee agreements.
Every business is currently going through extremely difficult times and therefore they’re making decisions they never thought they would have to.
There are scenarios where an employer and employee must come to an agreement. This can either be to terminate the contract, performance at work, sickness etc. The document for this is known as a Settlement Agreement. A Settlement Agreement is a legally binding contract between an employer and an employee which settles claims that the employee may have against their employer. They are typically used when an employee’s employment is being brought to an end on an agreed basis so that both employer and employee have certainty.
Under the Employment Rights Act it is a requirement for the employee to receive independent legal advice from a solicitor who signs a certificate to confirm that advice has been given. This advice is usually paid for by the employer.
Settlement Agreements are a great way of ensuring that employer/employee disputes are concluded without the need for legal action to be commenced.
Whether you are an employer or an employee Stephanie and the team at Kleyman & Co are here to assist you. This may be preparing the Settlement Agreement to sign or reviewing a Settlement Agreement.
If you have any questions or wanted to discuss your options at this difficult time, please do give us a call. To arrange a friendly chat please get in touch at or 0203 887 8740.