Have you noticed that as lockdown is eased and people are starting to go out more, restaurants are obviously concerned about our short term memories and abilities to make firm commitments,

Not only do many of them insist on taking credit card details with an agreed sum to be charged to your account if you are a no show, but now they have taken to emailing AND calling the dayn before to make sure you haven’t forgotten or got a better offer.

They obviously think that I’m either very forgetful or I’m so shallow that I’m easily enticed elsewhere.

Fortunately I learned a great trick in my early days in law.  I learned to write things down in a thing called a diary AND to check my diary a week ahead and on the day to make sure no important lunch invitations or dinner dates were forgotten.

These diaries can also be used for other important dates such as

1. Deadlines for reviewing or extending agreements

2. Exercising break clauses on contacts and leases

3. Submitting court documents if you’re involved in proceedings and don’t want to have to pay me to have some pesky judgement set aside.


Or you can get someone like me to do it all for you!


Kleyman and co solicitors.  The full service law firm.  We never forget good food or important dates.